has been the official distributor of Nora Bode Oxyjet Technology and cosmetic products in Canada since 2004.
For professionals looking to implement the OXYJET High-Tech Oxygen System for their clients, training is available at the OXYBEAUTY Cosmetic clinic facility. Please Contact Us For Details
OxyJet System – The Concept
OXYJET is a one-of-a-kind treatment method using pulsed oxygen pressure to introduce special active ingredient concentrates into the skin without needles. The concentrates address wrinkles, pigmentation spots, and blemishes while providing new energy and freshness to the skin.
These deposits have long-lasting effects with no side effects or pain. Testing was done by the German „Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik“ in 1997 with successful results and it is patented technology made in Germany.


OxyJet Leo
Transform your face and body with our innovative, needle-free Oxygen-Modules! Experience gentle yet highly effective treatment that guarantees results – all while keeping you safe.
With its needle-free technology, the OXYjet LEO de luxe gives beauty professionals the ability to penetrate active ingredients and oxygen into deeper layers of your skin.
Utilizing pulsed oxygen pressure, we are able to securely deliver the active ingredients deep into your skin layers. As a result of this process, you will experience long-lasting positive effects that keep working for days after treatment.
OXYJET LEO devices are engineered with powerful oxygen generators from Germany so that you can rest assured knowing the pressure treatment is completed using filtered and concentrated air. In addition, bacteria and virus filters ensure medical-grade pure oxygen of up to 95% concentration for a safe and effective experience.
As a result, these devices are powered by pure and concentrated oxygen which improves the efficiency and profitability of both clinicians and patients alike.
OXYJET LEO comes in three versions to meet the individual needs of a doctor’s practice and professional beauty institute. While each model has unique oxygen modules, they all share one important aspect – the OXYJET key function which provides pulsed oxygen pressure treatment without needles. All models rely on a powerful oxygen generator for maximum efficiency.
Gentle and effective solutions for any skin problem
“Perfectly suited for the ever-evolving cosmetic industry, meeting and exceeding the expectations of informed customers”.NORA BODE beauty concept is a one-of-a-kind treatment method designed to support both physicians and beauticians that contains medical oxygen, the Elixir of Life. This essential energy source regulates bodily functions and allows cells to complete their designated tasks. The Stratum basale layer in the epidermis undergoes regeneration and growth and provides new cell supply, while also performing essential immune processes and forming pigmentation.
Basal cells in the dermis draw oxygen from nearby blood vessels for their activities, while the dermis’ collagen and hyaluronic structures give skin its plumpness and youthfulness. However, as skin matures, circulation deteriorates leading to a decrease in cell division resulting in wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. Fortunately, there exists a revolutionary combination of cutting-edge oxygen technology and high-performance cosmetic products to help battle these signs of aging. In addition, epidermis cells can receive their oxygen needs by way of external air airflow between cells and the organic matrix.
To ensure the utmost supply of oxygen to the skin, NORA BODE utilizes both options concepts.
- From the outside through the medium of organic matrix
- OXYclear – Oxygen deep cleansing
- OXYjet ® – Oxygen pressure injection
- OXYtone – Oxygen lifting
- CRYO2 – Oxygen cold lifting
- OXYspray – Oxygen spray treatment
- OXYdiamond – Oxygen diamond peeling
- From the inside and the outside of the media blood vessels + organic matrix
- BIO2light – Oxygen colour light therapy
OxyJet versatile high-tech oxygen treatment modules:

The oxygen deep cleansing
- gentle loosening of hyperkeratosis and skin impurities (blackheads)
- intensive cleaning
- preparation for subsequent intensive treatments
- reduce irritation and impurities through its antibacterial effect
- cooling irritated skin
- vitalization of skin disorders
- open sores and inflammation
- open acne
- fresh scars
- cancer, tumors
- acute allergies
*OXYclear is to apply only on healthy skin!
How it Works
OXYclear cleansing lotion and Enzyme Peeling Cream, applied with a rotating pad on the skin and drenched in concentrated oxygen, work together to swiftly remove impurities and irritations. To further soothe any possible redness or discomfort during this process, our organic Blue Light technology works to cool your skin for maximum comfort.
NORA BODE special preparations for the OXYclear application:
- NORA BODE OXYclear Lotion
- NORA BODE Enzyme Exfoliating Cream

Oxygen pressure injection
- smoothing out existing lines and wrinkles
- loss of elasticity
- premature aging of the skin after exposure to excessive
- regeneration of the skin after laser lift, chemical peeling
- age spots and uneven pigmentation
- cellulite, firming the skin of the body
- open sores and inflammation
- open acne
- fresh scars
- pronounced couperose
- rosacea
- heart and cardiovascular disease
- thrombosis and varicose veins
- cancer, tumors
- acute allergies
- pregnancy
*OXYjet is to apply only on healthy skin!
How it Works
Drawing upon the latest research and discoveries in medicine and advanced cosmetics, NORA BODE has developed oxygen pressure injections. This innovative technology allows for injection without needles, like with a gun but without bullets – recently even being used to deliver insulin to diabetics! The medicinal effects of this technique are achieved by driving it into deeper layers of the skin where the ‘medicines’ can be absorbed by your body via blood vessels.
Cosmetics do not require active substances to enter the blood vessels, so we’ve developed a high-tech and safe method that meets modern intensive cosmetics requirements.
The NORA BODE OXYJET safe oxygen pressure injection system is used to inject special cosmetic preparations directly into the target areas of the skin. The skin is entered through natural spaces in the epidermal cells (the organic matrix) and preparations are deposited in deeper layers of skin where they have desired effect.
NORA BODE special products according to your skin condition:
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS volume booster concentrates and ampoules
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS energy reload concentrates and ampoules
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS brightening corrector concentrates and ampoules
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS sensitive balance concentrates and ampoules
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS purifying control concentrates and ampoules

Oxygen Lifting (the oxygen facelift)
- sagging facial and body contours are streamlined
- wrinkles caused by unilateral facial expressions and features are improved
- eye bags are reduced as the lymphatic flow is improved
- pale skin is enhanced
- swelling can be reduced
- improves the appearance of cellulite
- open sores and inflammation
- open acne
- scars under 6 months
- pronounced couperose
- rosacea
- cancer, tumors
- thrombosis and varicose veins
- injury of bones, muscles, tendons
- acute allergies
- pregnancy
*OXYtone is to apply only on healthy skin!
How it Works
The air pressure is increased by a rotary brush that vibrates at high speed. The application of concentrated oxygen tones the skin and leaves it feeling fresh, cool and invigorated. The specially formulated serums gently remove excess fluid from the eye area. Puffiness under the eyes is visibly reduced. Organic Blue Light cools and soothes skin after treatment. Organic Red Light stimulates enhanced effects of products used on the skin.
Facial muscles, which are responsible for forming specific expressions on the face, become less efficient with age. This causes the skin to sag and loses its elasticity as well. At the same time, well-trained muscles contribute to a smooth flow of lymphatic fluid between them.
NORA BODE OXYtone works by applying mechanical vibration and rotation to the connective tissue and muscles of the skin. The effect on these tissues is both relaxing and stimulating at the same time. When blood circulation improves, the body naturally strengthens and rebuilds muscles. This leads to increased muscle tone that can be seen in firmer, better-defined facial features and well-sculpted bodies.
NORA BODE special preparations:
- NORA BODE OXYtone Serum
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS ampoule concentrates

The cool oxygen lift
- improvement of surficial skin blood flow-pale skin (ie smokers)
- skin tightening for prematurely sagging skin
- reduction of swelling and inflammation
- pore refining
- prevention of inflammation after extractions
- acceleration of healing of impure skin and acne
- open sores and inflammation
- open acne
- scars under 6 months
- pronounced couperose
- rosacea
- cancer, tumors
- thrombosis and varicose veins
- injury of bones, muscles, tendons
- acute allergies
- pregnancy
*CRYO2 is to apply only to healthy skin!
How it Works
When the CRYO2 treatment is performed, a cool tingling fresh cocktail of cold, oxygen and active ingredient ampoule is applied to the skin; then it’s cooled down to about 10-12°C. The coolness of the sting tightens your skin and reduces swelling and inflammation. After treatment, a fine-pored rosy complexion with lifted contours is visible from concentrated oxygen’s synergetic effect.

NORA BODE special ampoule concentrates according to your skin condition:
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS volume booster ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS energy reload ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS brightening corrector ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS sensitive balance ampoule concentrate (Be careful with couperose!)
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS purifying control ampoule concentrate

The oxygen diamond peeling
- atrophic, mature skin with a loss of elasticity is stimulated
- impure skin is improved by reducing the hyperkeratosis
- early aging of sun-damaged skin is improved with stimulated cell regeneration
- uneven pigmentation, age spots are reduced
- poor circulation, pale skin is revitalized
- smoothes out scars
- open sores and inflammation
- open acne
- scars under 6 months old
- pronounced couperose
- rosacea
- cancer, tumors
- acute allergies
- pregnancy
*OxyDiamond peel is to apply only to healthy skin!
How it Works
The diamond tip microdermabrasion treatment is a deep exfoliation of the skin that uses attachments made from diamonds. Applying a concentrated oxygen treatment at the same time as microdermabrasion increases the effectiveness of skin care products by pushing active ingredients into pores.
As the epidermis regenerates itself, your skin will look younger and more radiant.

NORA BODE special ampoule concentrates according to your skin condition:
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS volume booster ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS energy reload ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS brightening corrector ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS sensitive balance ampoule concentrate (Be careful with couperose!)
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS purifying control ampoule concentrate

Oxygen spray treatment
- refreshment and revitalization for every skin type
- blemished skin
- hypersensitive skin
- sensivity of the skin after the extractions
- irritated skin after tiring procedures such as surgical lifting, Blue Peel, laser treatment, AHAs, etc.
- dehydrated skin
- open wounds
- fresh scars
- cancer, tumours
How it Works
Oxygen helps create Adenosine-Triphosphate and Creatine Phosphate, two important energy carriers. When cells are deprived of oxygen, they cease to function properly and age rapidly. This causes blood circulation problems that result in pale skin tone and lack of elasticity.
During the concentrated spraying of OXYfluid on your skin, you receive a boost in vitality from both highly concentrated oxygen and an active cosmetic ingredient that is free from preservatives and fragrance.

NORA BODE special ampoule concentrates according to your skin condition:
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS volume booster ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS energy reload ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS brightening corrector ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS sensitive balance ampoule concentrate (Be careful with couperose!)
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS purifying control ampoule concentrate
- OXYfluid

OxyTone disk
The intensive oxygen massage
The intensely massaging head, pure concentrated oxygen and Bio Red Light help to stimulate blood flow and tighten sagging parts of the face like a double chin.

OxyJet body
The pulsed oxygen pressure treatment for the body
Using the big nozzle body, active ingredients and pure concentrated oxygen are infused deep into your skin to firm up contours and tighten loose skin.

OxyTone disk body
The intensive oxygen massage for the body
The massage head, pure oxygen and Bio Red Light used in this treatment have a very intensive effect on the subcutaneous tissue of your skin. This helps to tighten sagging parts of the body.

OXYtone roller
The decongesting oxygen massage for the body
Pure concentrated oxygen, the specially formed applicator for arms and legs, and Bio Blue/ Red Light help improve the lymphatic flow – allowing smoother skin appearance.

Bio2 Light

Oxygen colour light therapy
- for faster skin regeneration after intensive peelings, laser treatments or beauty surgery
- for the treatment of various skin conditions in combination with individual light therapy
- mature, wrinkled skin with lack of elasticity
- impure skin, acne
- pigmentation irregularities
- sensitive skin
- for vitalizing oxygen inhalation
- open wounds
- fresh scars
- cancer, tumours
How it Works
Below the skin’s surface, four different wavelengths of coloured light between 470 and 620 nanometers are applied: blue, green orange & red – all individually selectable and interchangeable. The light waves penetrate the skin up to a depth of 10mm, producing beneficial effects on the skin.The skin is the largest sensory organ of the body, and 80% of colour stimuli are received through irradiation. Only 20% make it to brain via optic nerve.
- red: 790 – 630 nm optimal treatment for needy, mature skin which needs stimulating. Blood circulation and skin metabolism is greatly improved.
- orange: 630- 580nm regenerating, stimulating and activating, encourages detoxification. Strengthens the immune system. Therefore ideal for tired, pale smoker’s skin, impure skin or after an illness.
- green: 560- 480nm has a calming, balancing and harmonizing effect. Perfect for use on irritated, sensitive and eczema-prone skin.
- blue: 480- 420nm has anti-inflammatory, soothing and wound-healing properties. Ideal for impure, inflamed and irritated skin.
During the light treatment, concentrated oxygen flows into your BIO2LIGHT hood to create an “oxygen-light tent” environment that both revitalizes you and improves how you look.
NORA BODE special ampoule concentrates according to your skin condition:
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS volume booster ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS energy reload ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS brightening corrector ampoule concentrate
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS sensitive balance ampoule concentrate (Be careful with couperose!)
- ABSOLUTE EFFECTS purifying control ampoule concentrate
- Nora Bode Collagen pure full face mask

New Oxyjet GO
As the only official Canadian distributor of Norabode cosmetics and OXYJET technology, OXYBEAUTY provides training for professionals at the facility of our clinic & free demo treatment at your facility or clinic. For more information on training & free demo please contact us.
NORA BODE and The OxyJet – a story of success
For over one billion years, the evolution of humankind has been wholly attributed to oxygen. This is an incredible success story!
The NORA BODE OXYJET is the ultimate oxygen system when it comes to beauty & well-being. Get yourself one today and experience smooth, youthful skin like never before! It’s gentle, efficient, and guaranteed safe for you.
It all began in the quaint town of Hohenstein located in Hessen, Germany. The naturopath practitioner Lothar Bode was determined to find a way to administer medication through the skin without causing any discomfort or risk. And so it came about that President Lothar Bode developed an innovative method of using pure oxygen pressure as a means for pushing medicine deep into the sensitive layers of skin with minimal effort and maximum effectiveness. In 1994, the first prototype of this medical breakthrough was developed using pulsed oxygen technology to craft special formations deep into the skin. After witnessing its success and potential in medicine, Lothar’s pharmacist wife Jutta Bode decided to focus on creating natural cosmetic products with OXYJET. Together they formed a company Nora Bode.
In 1997, after an impressive 500 successful treatments, Lothar was granted a patent for his pressure system. The Fraunhofer Institute conducted its own trials at the Biomedical Engineering in St Ingbert to verify its effectiveness and reliability – furthering Lothar’s reputation as one of the most successful innovators in medical history. Since the debut of OXYJET on the German market in 1998, export figures have drastically risen and more than 40 international partners are now associated with this groundbreaking oxygen treatment manufacturer. This has established OXYJET as a globally-recognized leader in its industry.
In the 2000-2006 timeframe, OXY-Mega Station, OXYJET BASIC and the OXYcrystal proved to be successful at a global level. 2007 marked an upgrade with the release of their new model: TheOXYJET STAR; followed by 2012’s LEO models which have been highly acclaimed ever since.
As the “Daily Mirror” referred to BEAUTY-TOX as Madonna’s wrinkle killer in 2003, celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Elle McPherson, Lisa Kudrow and many more have developed trust in OXYJET treatment with its exclusive NORA BODE cosmetic products. This has undoubtedly generated worldwide attention and admiration!
In 2016, the two original directors joined forces with their sons Gero and Leonard, ensuring that this family-run business will remain successful for years to come.